PhD Positions in European Research Consortium and Training Network (Erc-Tn)
We are looking for high-quality PhD applicants for the European Research Consortium and Training Network (ERC-TN) H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 “Grey-Box Models for Safe and Reliable Intelligent Mobility Systems” (GREYDIENT aiming at training a next generation of Early Stage Researchers (ESR), within the Marie-Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network scheme.
The Graydient mission is to fully sustain the ongoing transition of European personal mobility towards safe and reliable intelligent systems via the recently introduced framework of grey-box modelling approaches. This training network is led by KU Leuven and involves prime academic and industrial partners across Europe.
ARAMIS is involved with one MSCA-ITN available PhD position at The Politecnico di Milano concerning (
ESR7: Optimization of Energy Networks Equipped with Prognostics and Health Management capabilities.
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply online through the jobs webpage (deadline is not yet specified, however, it is recommended to apply as soon as possible (preferably early February).